Dr Xiaonan WANG
CV and collaborators
Born in 1990 as the new generation of scientists devoted in this enchanting research field worldwide, Dr Xiaonan Wang, as the PI of this young and vibrant SSE lab at both Tsinghua the NUS, has been aiming to lead the sustainability and smart systems research to real societal benefits with the best team.
Positions and full fellowship available for PhD students, postdocs, and visiting scholars.
Tsinghua University
Associate Professor
Lead of the Smart Systems Engineering lab
September 2021- Present
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Assistant Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor
Lead of the Smart Systems Engineering lab
July 2017- Present
Imperial College London
Research Associate
Lecturer and Master supervisor for Energy Futures Lab
August 2015 - Current
Full time
University of California, Davis
MSc, PhD, Lecturer
University of California full fellowship for direct PhD
Finalist for the Best Thesis Award in Engineering
September 2011- July 2015
Tsinghua University
BEng, RA
August 2007- July 2011
TAMU Safety Center
Research Associate
June 2010- Aug 2010
Get in touch
Dr Xiaonan Wang is an associate professor and a promising female scientist of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University. She is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS). She is leading a Smart Systems Engineering research group of more than 20 team members as PI at Tsinghua and NUS. Her team, in close collaboration with the renowned resilience brokers and Imperial College London, has built a systematic planning platform for smart city and engineering development that combines model-based and data-driven approaches for overall economic, environmental and social benefits improvements. She has published more than 70 peer-reviewed journal and conference proceeding papers, chaired more than 10 sessions and delivered more than 30 presentations/invited talks at international conferences and universities on five continents. Besides academic research and teaching, she has led an education series on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Science & Engineering to disseminate knowledge and public understanding. She has trained more than 1000 PG/UG students with machine learning and optimization techniques. Xiaonan and her students have developed novel machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies applied in biomedical, nano-materials, energy, environment and sustainability related research. She was recognized as an IChemE Global Awards 2017 Young Researcher finalist and several best paper awards at IEEE Conferences. She is also the deputy director of the Accelerated Materials Development programme in Singapore.
Our team is always open for collaborations and promote the beautiful science & engineering!
Please feel free to reach out for any collaboration, research and education interest.